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Grain of Wheat Publishing

Studies in Scripture

John 12:24


Welcome to Grain of Wheat Publishing and Studies in Scripture! I am sincerely glad you're here and hope you'll be encouraged and challenged by the various eBooks, studies, and articles offered. There is no charge for any of my eBooks/studies and no buttons or requests for donations.

I am a seeker and my lifelong desire has always been to discover and understand the truth concerning the kingdom of God and Christ, the truth that Jesus said would make us free (John 8:32).

Much of what I write challenges the "status quo" of mainstream Christianity. I cannot apologize for this for there are too many unanswered questions when it comes to the traditional views which have been propagated for so long.

Thank you for visiting and again, I hope you're encouraged and challenged by what you read. Please feel free to reach out to me via my Contact page with any questions, comments, suggestions, criticisms, etc. I look forward to hearing from you!

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© 2023 Grain of Wheat Publishing

Choctaw, Oklahoma

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